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Events, Magazines, Blogs, a WIL Network and WIL TV, this Sister Initiative is all about the day to day livingness of women; what works and what doesn't, what are our pressures and how do we break through to live more true to our innate essence.


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Events, Magazines, Blogs, a WIL Network and WIL TV, this Sister Initiative is all about the day to day livingness of women; what works and what doesn't, what are our pressures and how do we break through to live more true to our innate essence.


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Education to Empower Women; Events, Educational Forums, Articles, Research and Treatments of the Esoteric Breast Massage - a restorative therapy designed to support women in their efforts to self-nurture and honour their bodies.


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Mobile App, Web online access, Health Reports and more. Learn that at any age there is a cycle you belong to and the Our Cycles App has been designed to help you track it along with your self-care and general heath and well-being.


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These powerful presentations are held throughout the world and offer a wealth of insight, inspiration and practical take-home tools for women to embrace as part of their health and well-being, as well as benefit from meeting like-minded women.


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Compiled and styled by over 100+ women from around the world, the 'Women in Livingness' Magazine contains back-to-back inspiring stories and offerings by women from all walks of life, speaking openly and honestly about the issues that truly matter to women today.


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As a profit-for-purpose enterprise we are made up of 380+ women and men who next to their various day-jobs volunteer in many of our Sister Initiatives worldwide that promote, educate and inspire women of all ages to restore value and self-worth in who they truly are.

As a profit-for-purpose enterprise we are made up of 380+ women and men who next to their various day-jobs volunteer in many of our Sister Initiatives worldwide that promote, educate and inspire women of all ages to restore value and self-worth in who they truly are.





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​Esoteric Women’s Health was inspired by, made possible by, and is based on the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine

© Natalie Benhayon 2013 unless stated otherwise. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER:  The material on this website is based upon the principles of The Ageless Wisdom which offers an energetic understanding of life. Any references to science are references to energetic science as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, and not to evidence-based science in mankind’s modern era. Any references to specific aspects of Medicine are to illustrate the relevance of energetic wisdom, as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, in the interplay of bodily illness and disease rather than contradicting the current theories of disease causation or in any way to replace epidemiology. The principles conveyed on this website are philosophical and religious, and thus are not verified within the evidence-based rationales and critical appraisal process of evidence-based science including CONSORT2010 compliant double blind randomised controlled trials. The presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do not diagnose, treat, prevent or offer any therapeutic cure to any disease or illness; they are complementary-to-medicine and never a replacement of or alternative to conventional medicine. If you have any question or concern about the cause, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease or illness, you should consult a registered medical practitioner.

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