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Well-being for Women are regular presentations held throughout the world that offer a wealth of insight, inspiration and practical take-home tools for you to embrace as part of your health and well-being.


The simple key is found in reconnecting to the innate wisdom that resides within all women equally and furthermore in giving it permission to be our leading voices, rather than the imposed ideals and false values of modern society.
Through exploring this re-connection and the how-to’s of getting there, emerges the ability to restore a level of vitality, well-being and zest for life that many of us struggle to feel amidst daily demands, pressures and expectations
These women's groups are the initiative of health professionals who have all changed their own health and well-being with the support of Esoteric Women's Health.


The key to your true health and well-being as a woman rests in you living in honour of what you have always known within.

These groups offer the opportunity for women of all ages and backgrounds to come together to:


  • Explore the relationship we have with our body and how this is key to connecting to our innate wisdom

  • Experience the power of shared discussions on a wide variety of topics including exhaustion, stress, sleep, food, self-care, periods, menopause and more

  • Connect with one another and be inspired by each other​

For further information on Well-being for Women Groups please contact us

Well-being becomes a way of life when you

commit to love yourself in full and not in parts

~ Natalie Benhayon





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​Esoteric Women’s Health was inspired by, made possible by, and is based on the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine

© Natalie Benhayon 2013 unless stated otherwise. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER:  The material on this website is based upon the principles of The Ageless Wisdom which offers an energetic understanding of life. Any references to science are references to energetic science as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, and not to evidence-based science in mankind’s modern era. Any references to specific aspects of Medicine are to illustrate the relevance of energetic wisdom, as presented by the Ageless Wisdom, in the interplay of bodily illness and disease rather than contradicting the current theories of disease causation or in any way to replace epidemiology. The principles conveyed on this website are philosophical and religious, and thus are not verified within the evidence-based rationales and critical appraisal process of evidence-based science including CONSORT2010 compliant double blind randomised controlled trials. The presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do not diagnose, treat, prevent or offer any therapeutic cure to any disease or illness; they are complementary-to-medicine and never a replacement of or alternative to conventional medicine. If you have any question or concern about the cause, diagnosis, prevention or treatment of any disease or illness, you should consult a registered medical practitioner.

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